Kompaniya haqida

Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG generated sales of 3.16 billion euros in 2022, which was the highest turnover in its history.

The family business employs 15,330 people in over 150 companies located in 80 countries. Over 50,000 service centres worldwide ensure a seamless supply to customers all around the globe.

Kärcher has set itself the goal of focusing the company’s social commitment on the preservation of value. As part of its cultural sponsorship programme, over 160 monuments worldwide have been cleaned and restored since 1980.


Kompaniyaga tegishli vakansiyalar

Главный бухгалтер
  • Toshkent Shahri
  • Ofis Ish
6 000 000 UZS
Сервисный техник
  • Toshkent Shahri
  • Ofis Ish
6 000 000 UZS
5 000 000 UZS – 10 000 000 UZS
Оператор call-центра
  • Toshkent Shahri
  • Ofis Ish
3 500 000 UZS – 8 500 000 UZS