Kompaniyaning qaynoq pozitsiyalari

Barchasini ko'rish

Ish haqida

Vakansiyani ulashish

We are looking for experienced developers that are willing to solve complex technical issues while developing high quality software systems using modern technologies.

What we expect from you:

  • 2 + years of experience as a DevOps/Infrastructure Engineer;
  • Expertise in Java, Python, Ruby, Bash or experience in another programming language;
  • Experience and knowledge of CI/CD design and practice;
  • Public Cloud, preferably GCP but AWS and Azure are good too!;
  • Experience with Cloud Architecture Design principles and Cloud Architect certification;
  • Experience creating infra as code solutions using tools such as: Terraform, Azure ARM templates , Cloudformation – a must;
  • Experience with CI/CD tools and methodologies such as: Jenkins, ArgoCD, CircleCI, GitHub Action etc – a must;
  • Hands-on implementation of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in complex environments;
  • Proven experience working in a production environment – a must;
  • Solid experience implementing production-grade Kubernetes Clusters with containerized environments and microservices (Docker, Kubernetes);
  • Experience working with Configuration Management tools (Chef, Puppet, Ansible is an advantage);
  • Solid understanding of networking technologies mainly focuses on networking for clouds.
  • Spoken English (Upper-Intermediate level and above)

It would be a plus to have:

  • Experience with Service Mesh solutions such as Anthos, Istio, Consul;
  • Experience with monitoring and log analysis tools such as ELK, Prometheus, Grafana, New Relic, Splunk etc.

We can offer:

  • Projects for such clients as PayPal, Wargaming, Xerox, Philips, adidas and Toyota
  • Competitive compensation that depends on your qualification and skills
  • Career development system with clear skill qualifications
  • Flexible working hours aligned to your schedule
  • Options to work remotely
  • Corporate medical insurance covering services of private and public medical centers
  • English courses online
  • Corporate parties and events for employees and their children
  • Gym membership compensation, corporate sport competitions (cybersport included)
  • 5 days of paid sick leave per year with no obligation to submit a sick-leave certificate

Raqobat tahlili

Shaxsiy reyting
Umumiy ko'rilganlar soni: 235 ta

  • Imkoniyat kam
  • Yaxshi
  • Ajoyib
  • A'lo

Xavfsizlik bo'yicha maslahatlar

Wejob kompaniyasidan eslatma. Xurmatli mijoz sizni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ishga qabul qilish bo'linmalari va ishga qabul qiluvchi foydalanuvchilarga ish qidirayotganlarning qonuniy huquq va manfaatlariga zarar etkazuvchi har qanday noqonuniy pul bersang ishga joylayman deganlar yokidam noqonuniy xatti-harakatlarni, shu jumladan, ish qidiruvchilarning hujjatlarini olib qo'yish, ish qidiruvchilarning mol-mulkini undirish va ish qidiruvchilardan mablag'ingizni boshqa siz uchun muhim bo'lgan malumotlaringizni bermang. Ish qidiruvchilarga aktsiyalarga sarmoya kiritishga ruxsat berish va ish qidiruvchilarni boshqa joylarga ko'chib o'tishga undash.Ushbu ishga kirish, boshqa joylarda treningda qatnashish, ish izlovchilarning rezyumelaridan qonun va qoidalarni buzgan holda foydalanish holatlarni sezsangiz darhol Aloqa sahifasidan murojat qilishingizni so'rab qolamiz. Eslatma: Ish beruvchi mijozlar sizdan hali ish boshlamagan vaqtingizdan hech qachon sizni hisob raqamingizni so'rab oldindan (avans) pulini to'lamaydi, yokidam sizni boshqa gaplar aytib sizni kartangizni olishga harakat qilishi mumkin. Iltimos bundaylarga ishonmasligisni so'rab qolardik

* Asosiysi bunday malumotlarga Wejob kompaniyasi javobgar bo'lmaydi

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