Kompaniyaning qaynoq pozitsiyalari

Barchasini ko'rish

Ish haqida

Vakansiyani ulashish


Are you ready to be a part of Group-IB's thrilling journey as we chart new territories and expand our global presence? With team members spanning nearly 40 countries, we're on the lookout for extraordinary talent to join our ranks. But here's the twist – we're not just looking for "human resources" but seeking individuals who resonate with our unique culture and values. At Group-IB, each team member is celebrated for their individuality, and their happiness is our ultimate priority. If you're aligned with our values and eager to join us, we'd love to hear from you!

With the expansion of Group-IB, we have many internal projects to work on in the Talent Development and Happiness Department. The projects aim to immerse new joiners in our unique Group-IB culture, transferring experience and positivity. We are looking for our new HR coordinator to join our TDH Team!


  • 3 year of HR/Coordinator experience;
  • Fluent in English and Russian;
  • A systematic approach is your forte, and you consistently meet deadlines;
  • Your creative mindset drives you to take initiative and tackle challenges with innovative solutions;
  • Challenges motivate and inspire you;
  • You thrive in a dynamic environment and are ready to handle multiple tasks;
  • Interest in the HR field;
  • Humor is an integral part of your personality, and you can't imagine life without it;
  • You are meticulous in nature, consistently pay close attention to detail and habitually review your work multiple times for accuracy.


  • ​​​​​​​Support the onboarding and offboarding process of employees;
  • Shape graduate recruitment programs and nurture partnerships with universities;
  • Support existing internal programs and participate in organizing new ones;
  • Maintain the company's benefits program;
  • Maintain document management and reporting;
  • Maintain up-to-date information on the Company’s internal portal;
  • Participate in organizing internal events;
  • Be creative and fit in with any venture


  • Your happiness is important to us. We want every single team member to be happy;
  • Continuing professional development. At Group-IB, you can choose from various paths to growth: progress as an expert, advance to a management position, try your hand in another department, relocate abroad, or launch a new business area at Group-IB;
  • A team with extensive international expertise. Do you have experience but are looking for exciting challenges? By choosing us, you will be choosing complex tasks and continuously improving your skills in a fast-growing international company;
  • Globally recognized technologies. Group-IB's members are located in 25 countries and our products and services are sold in 60 countries. What’s more, Gartner, IDC, and Forrester have ranked our technologies among the best in their class. We work with over 450 international partners and about 500 clients;
  • A culture created by each of us. Group-IB’s employees speak many different languages and understand one another. We respect each others beliefs, share common values, and strive toward the happiness of every employee;
  • Economic stability. Group-IB&'s sustainable growth helps rapidly develop careers that would take years to progress as far as most other companies.

Raqobat tahlili

Shaxsiy reyting
Umumiy ko'rilganlar soni: 282 ta

  • Imkoniyat kam
  • Yaxshi
  • Ajoyib
  • A'lo

Xavfsizlik bo'yicha maslahatlar

Wejob kompaniyasidan eslatma. Xurmatli mijoz sizni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ishga qabul qilish bo'linmalari va ishga qabul qiluvchi foydalanuvchilarga ish qidirayotganlarning qonuniy huquq va manfaatlariga zarar etkazuvchi har qanday noqonuniy pul bersang ishga joylayman deganlar yokidam noqonuniy xatti-harakatlarni, shu jumladan, ish qidiruvchilarning hujjatlarini olib qo'yish, ish qidiruvchilarning mol-mulkini undirish va ish qidiruvchilardan mablag'ingizni boshqa siz uchun muhim bo'lgan malumotlaringizni bermang. Ish qidiruvchilarga aktsiyalarga sarmoya kiritishga ruxsat berish va ish qidiruvchilarni boshqa joylarga ko'chib o'tishga undash.Ushbu ishga kirish, boshqa joylarda treningda qatnashish, ish izlovchilarning rezyumelaridan qonun va qoidalarni buzgan holda foydalanish holatlarni sezsangiz darhol Aloqa sahifasidan murojat qilishingizni so'rab qolamiz. Eslatma: Ish beruvchi mijozlar sizdan hali ish boshlamagan vaqtingizdan hech qachon sizni hisob raqamingizni so'rab oldindan (avans) pulini to'lamaydi, yokidam sizni boshqa gaplar aytib sizni kartangizni olishga harakat qilishi mumkin. Iltimos bundaylarga ishonmasligisni so'rab qolardik

* Asosiysi bunday malumotlarga Wejob kompaniyasi javobgar bo'lmaydi

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