Kompaniyaning qaynoq pozitsiyalari

Barchasini ko'rish

Ish haqida

Vakansiyani ulashish

Required experience: 0-3 years


Position: Junior Equity Research Analyst

Musaffa Inc, headquartered in New York, is hiring Junior Equity Research Analysts for its Equity Research department in its Tashkent office. Musaffa is a fintech company aiming to democratize Islamic Finance education and help Muslim investors worldwide pursue their financial goals through its trading and financial education platform. With a dedicated team of over 60 professionals, working from the USA, Canada, UAE, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Uzbekistan, Musaffa is a growing global company.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Analyze the financial statements, footnotes, and management discussion in annual and quarterly reports (10Ks, 20Fs, 10Qs, etc.) for all companies under coverage.
  • Filter publicly listed companies into three categories based on their core operations and the screening results: Halal, Not Halal, or Doubtful
  • Prepare financial models and quantitative tools to determine the intrinsic value of stocks under coverage and prepare reports for management approval based on the analyses of financial statements.
  • Collaborate with the development team to analyze financial implications of software and product development projects.
  • Perform economic value-based analysis of financial statements of more than 100,000 companies over 60 global exchanges and identify the most attractive stocks for superior investment returns.
  • Work closely with finance teams in Musaffa’s other offices to ensure accurate financial reporting.
  • Test in-house products and solutions for correct functionality and accuracy of information.


  • BA or BS degree required (Bachelor's Degree in Accounting/Finance/Economics)
  • 0-3 years of work experience in the finance-related field
  • Strong math, analytical, and data-gathering skills
  • Solid understanding of financial accounting and financial modeling
  • Strong fluency with Microsoft Excel formulas and functions
  • Strong interest in Islamic Finance
  • Ability to work in a team and strong communication skills.
  • High English proficiency: fluent (IELTS min 7.0 score ).


  • Be a part of a global growing fintech company, unique in Uzbekistan.
  • A golden opportunity awaits exceptional performers to join our Dubai office, enhancing their professional horizons in a dynamic global environment.

  • Employee stock options (ESOP) offered for the qualified employees.
  • Support for the CFA exams and preparations for the qualified analysts.
  • Friendly and supportive team.
  • Engaging team-building activities and events.
  • Fare ticket support.
  • Comfortable and modern office space.

Position: Full-time (With a three-month paid internship period)

Recent graduates are welcome to apply!

Deadline for application: August 17 , 2024

Raqobat tahlili

Shaxsiy reyting
Umumiy ko'rilganlar soni: 176 ta

  • Imkoniyat kam
  • Yaxshi
  • Ajoyib
  • A'lo

Xavfsizlik bo'yicha maslahatlar

Wejob kompaniyasidan eslatma. Xurmatli mijoz sizni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ishga qabul qilish bo'linmalari va ishga qabul qiluvchi foydalanuvchilarga ish qidirayotganlarning qonuniy huquq va manfaatlariga zarar etkazuvchi har qanday noqonuniy pul bersang ishga joylayman deganlar yokidam noqonuniy xatti-harakatlarni, shu jumladan, ish qidiruvchilarning hujjatlarini olib qo'yish, ish qidiruvchilarning mol-mulkini undirish va ish qidiruvchilardan mablag'ingizni boshqa siz uchun muhim bo'lgan malumotlaringizni bermang. Ish qidiruvchilarga aktsiyalarga sarmoya kiritishga ruxsat berish va ish qidiruvchilarni boshqa joylarga ko'chib o'tishga undash.Ushbu ishga kirish, boshqa joylarda treningda qatnashish, ish izlovchilarning rezyumelaridan qonun va qoidalarni buzgan holda foydalanish holatlarni sezsangiz darhol Aloqa sahifasidan murojat qilishingizni so'rab qolamiz. Eslatma: Ish beruvchi mijozlar sizdan hali ish boshlamagan vaqtingizdan hech qachon sizni hisob raqamingizni so'rab oldindan (avans) pulini to'lamaydi, yokidam sizni boshqa gaplar aytib sizni kartangizni olishga harakat qilishi mumkin. Iltimos bundaylarga ishonmasligisni so'rab qolardik

* Asosiysi bunday malumotlarga Wejob kompaniyasi javobgar bo'lmaydi

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