Kompaniyaning qaynoq pozitsiyalari

Barchasini ko'rish

Ish haqida

Vakansiyani ulashish

B2B Marketing Manager plays an important and influential role in the organization and is one of the main links between the business and key customers, and actively promotes business development in Uzbekistan.

What will you gain by working in our team?

  • Work in a company that is part of the ASBIS Group
  • Work in a company where every employee has value and opportunities for professional and career growth
  • Training from a certified Apple trainer according to a program developed by Apple
  • Training in sales techniques from a corporate sale trainer
  • Use of ASBIS Academy Library & Learning Management System training materials
  • Employment and social guarantees in accordance with the Labor Code
  • A motivation system that allows you to earn according to your efforts

Key functions

  • Participate in the development and implementation of the commercial strategy in the B2B area
  • Participate in the development of offers
  • Develop USP and positioning
  • Search and test new marketing tools with scalability potential
  • Conduct market analysis of competitors
  • Attract customers (legal entities) to the website and offline purchases in the B2B department
  • Develop relationships with the companys clients
  • Analyze and optimize campaigns, including the cost of attracting applications
  • Build reporting on online and offline conversions


  • Higher specialized education in marketing
  • At least 2 years of work experience
  • Experience in the B2B market in the same or related industry is welcome
  • Knowledge of Internet marketing, understanding of SMM, PR
  • Experience with web analytics will be an advantage
  • Experience in promoting local businesses on the Internet and lead generation, as well as experience with CRM systems
  • Participation in specialized trainings and seminars is welcome
  • Flexibility of thinking, creativity, active life position

We offer

  • Work for a financially strong, fast-growing multinational company
  • Access to continuous professional development: training, certification programs, events, and team buildings
  • Competitive salary package and motivation scheme
  • Health insurance
  • Work-from-home option
  • International career opportunities

Raqobat tahlili

Shaxsiy reyting
Umumiy ko'rilganlar soni: 13 ta

  • Imkoniyat kam
  • Yaxshi
  • Ajoyib
  • A'lo

Xavfsizlik bo'yicha maslahatlar

Wejob kompaniyasidan eslatma. Xurmatli mijoz sizni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ishga qabul qilish bo'linmalari va ishga qabul qiluvchi foydalanuvchilarga ish qidirayotganlarning qonuniy huquq va manfaatlariga zarar etkazuvchi har qanday noqonuniy pul bersang ishga joylayman deganlar yokidam noqonuniy xatti-harakatlarni, shu jumladan, ish qidiruvchilarning hujjatlarini olib qo'yish, ish qidiruvchilarning mol-mulkini undirish va ish qidiruvchilardan mablag'ingizni boshqa siz uchun muhim bo'lgan malumotlaringizni bermang. Ish qidiruvchilarga aktsiyalarga sarmoya kiritishga ruxsat berish va ish qidiruvchilarni boshqa joylarga ko'chib o'tishga undash.Ushbu ishga kirish, boshqa joylarda treningda qatnashish, ish izlovchilarning rezyumelaridan qonun va qoidalarni buzgan holda foydalanish holatlarni sezsangiz darhol Aloqa sahifasidan murojat qilishingizni so'rab qolamiz. Eslatma: Ish beruvchi mijozlar sizdan hali ish boshlamagan vaqtingizdan hech qachon sizni hisob raqamingizni so'rab oldindan (avans) pulini to'lamaydi, yokidam sizni boshqa gaplar aytib sizni kartangizni olishga harakat qilishi mumkin. Iltimos bundaylarga ishonmasligisni so'rab qolardik

* Asosiysi bunday malumotlarga Wejob kompaniyasi javobgar bo'lmaydi

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