Kompaniyaning qaynoq pozitsiyalari

Barchasini ko'rish

Ish haqida

Vakansiyani ulashish
Important note: We accept applications ONLY via WIUT official website (About us/Careers at WIUT). We do NOT review your application on hh.uz or any other website. Please, make sure that the online form is filled out fully and appropriately.
Reports to: Executive Board
Department: Executive

Duty station: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

PURPOSE: To provide value-added advice and support to the University’s Senior Management and staff members on the development and modification of policies, procedures or processes to ensure an appropriate level of internal control and compliance. The post would also be responsible for development and implementation of the University’s institutional audit plans, the intelligence gathering of internal data, the review of operational areas for usage of resources and compliance with established policies and procedures as well as laws and regulations.

CONTEXT: The University has developed an environment and a set of policies that encourages the development of a professional relationship amongst all colleagues. This requires a culture of mutual respect, personal responsibility and a commitment to the highest standards of professional engagement. Within the Development Strategy, the University set strategic priorities to Strengthen, Smarten and sustain its activities and services with a focus on Students and Staff experience and Society Engagement. This will enrich the University, broaden the scope and range of activities and further reinforce the position of the University as one of the leading academic institution in Central Asia.

The post is a new position as part of the development and expansion of the University and will be responsible for independent consulting activity designed to add value and improve the university’s operations.


  • To be responsible for development and implementation of the University’s internal/institutional audit plan, and take a leading role in the day to day execution of internal audits;
  • To provide value-added advice and support to the University’s Executive team members and departments on the development and modification of policies, procedures or processes to ensure an appropriate level of internal control and compliance is maintained;
  • To prepare a concise and informative audit reports to effectively communicate the findings and recommendations to departments and Senior Management;
  • To be responsible for the intelligence gathering of internal data across the University for internal audit processes;
  • To provide advice and guidance to staff members at all levels on enhancement of policies, procedures and practice, by delivering courses and training sessions;
  • To act as an objective source of independent advice to ensure validity, legality and goal achievement of processes;
  • To review operational areas for usage of resources and compliance with established policies and procedures as well as laws and regulations;
  • To work with and coordinate activities of external auditors;
  • To contribute and assist in the preparation of reports on the University to external stakeholders, including official reports to the Government of Uzbekistan;
  • To review and report on good international practice in the development of internal audit procedures;
  • Any other appropriate duties as directed by the Executive.



  • Masters Degree that reflects the requirements of the post;
  • English language proficiency to a level equivalent of an Academic member of staff;
  • Language ability in Uzbek and Russian, other languages would be an advantage.


  • 5yrs professional experience of Administrative functions;
  • 5yrs experience of working with Senior Management;
  • Experience in internal audit and institutional development;
  • Experience in international organization would be an advantage.


  • Analytical and synthesis skills
  • Good interpersonal skills with an ability to communicate effectively (both written and verbal) with all levels within the organization
  • Well-developed organisational skills with the ability to prioritize multiple assignments
  • Ability to work independently and with minimum supervision
  • Strong sense of integrity, ethics and values consistent with the University’s culture
  • Logical approach to identifying and evaluating issues and problem solving
  • Ability to organize a range of activities associated with a senior decision making body
  • Excellent ICT skills
  • Open and critical, supportive yet assertive attitude to colleagues
  • Ability to deal with Confidential matters
  • Commitment to self-development and expansion of knowledge

Raqobat tahlili

Shaxsiy reyting
Umumiy ko'rilganlar soni: 280 ta

  • Imkoniyat kam
  • Yaxshi
  • Ajoyib
  • A'lo

Xavfsizlik bo'yicha maslahatlar

Wejob kompaniyasidan eslatma. Xurmatli mijoz sizni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ishga qabul qilish bo'linmalari va ishga qabul qiluvchi foydalanuvchilarga ish qidirayotganlarning qonuniy huquq va manfaatlariga zarar etkazuvchi har qanday noqonuniy pul bersang ishga joylayman deganlar yokidam noqonuniy xatti-harakatlarni, shu jumladan, ish qidiruvchilarning hujjatlarini olib qo'yish, ish qidiruvchilarning mol-mulkini undirish va ish qidiruvchilardan mablag'ingizni boshqa siz uchun muhim bo'lgan malumotlaringizni bermang. Ish qidiruvchilarga aktsiyalarga sarmoya kiritishga ruxsat berish va ish qidiruvchilarni boshqa joylarga ko'chib o'tishga undash.Ushbu ishga kirish, boshqa joylarda treningda qatnashish, ish izlovchilarning rezyumelaridan qonun va qoidalarni buzgan holda foydalanish holatlarni sezsangiz darhol Aloqa sahifasidan murojat qilishingizni so'rab qolamiz. Eslatma: Ish beruvchi mijozlar sizdan hali ish boshlamagan vaqtingizdan hech qachon sizni hisob raqamingizni so'rab oldindan (avans) pulini to'lamaydi, yokidam sizni boshqa gaplar aytib sizni kartangizni olishga harakat qilishi mumkin. Iltimos bundaylarga ishonmasligisni so'rab qolardik

* Asosiysi bunday malumotlarga Wejob kompaniyasi javobgar bo'lmaydi

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